


The epimer 19-noretiocholanolone may also be formed by metabolism of NET. Detection of 19-norandrosterone in an athlete's urine is taken as evidence of doping by nandrolone or another 19-steroid. However, this compound is a metabolite of norethindrone, and as a metabolite, it can be detected in quantities above the reporting threshold of 2 ng/mL.


  1. Walker, C. J.; Cowan, D. A.; James, V. H. T.; Lau, J. C. Y.; Kicman, A. T., Doping in sport: 3. Metabolic conversion of oral norethisterone to urinary 19-norandrosterone. Steroids 2009, 74 (3), 341-349.
  2. (View all citations for this reference)