


Major metabolite as identified by Prasad et al. (19 total metabolites found but only 2 identified). HPLC and MS.


  1. Prasad, P. V.; Bashir, M.; Sitruk-Ware, R.; Kumar, N. Steroids 2010, 75 (3), 252–264
  2. (View all citations for this reference)
  3. Kumar, N.; Fagart, J.; Liere, P.; Mitchell, S. J.; Knibb, A. R.; Petit-Topin, I.; Rame, M.; El-Etr, M.; Schumacher, M.; Lambert, J. J.; Rafestin-Oblin, M. E.; Sitruk-Ware, R., Nestorone(R) as a Novel Progestin for Nonoral Contraception: Structure-Activity Relationships and Brain Metabolism Studies. Endocrinology 2017, 158 (1), 170-182.
  4. (View all citations for this reference)