Citations for: DrugBank: Levonorgestrel
Wishart DS, Feunang YD, Guo AC, Lo EJ, Marcu A, Grant JR, Sajed T, Johnson D, Li C, Sayeeda Z, Assempour N, Iynkkaran I, Liu Y, Maciejewski A, Gale N, Wilson A, Chin L, Cummings R, Le D, Pon A, Knox C, Wilson M. DrugBank 5.0: a major update to the DrugBank database for 2018. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Nov 8. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1037

Entry Type
Parent Entry
Pharmacology Data Field
Levonorgestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
260 L (Healthy female volunteers under fasting conditions)
1.8 L/kg
Levonorgestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
45% of LNG and metabolites excreted in the urine and 32% excreted in feces, mostly as glucuronide conjugates
Levonorgestrel (API)
Toxicology Data Field
  • rat oral: 5010 mg/kg
  • rat intraperitoneal: 11,200 mg/kg
  • mouse intraperitoneal: 7300 mg/kg
  • mouse oral: 5010 mg/kg
Levonorgestrel (API)
Identifiers Data Field
Levonorgestrel (API)
Levonorgestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
7.7 +/- 2.7 L/h (Healthy female volunteers under fasting conditions)
Levonorgestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
For the treatment of menopausal and postmenopausal disorders and alone or in combination with other hormones as an oral contraceptive.
Levonorgestrel (API)