Citations for: Jordan A. Toxicology of progestogens of implantable contraceptives for women. Contraception. 2002; 65:3-8.

Entry Type
Parent Entry
Toxicology Data Field
3 tests showed no gene mutations and did not affect chromosomal integrity
Nestorone (API)
Toxicology Data Field
Similar safety profile to progestogens found in approved oral contraceptives; no significant or unusual toxicities.
Nestorone (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Conflicting reports: not active (Ruan, Lello), weakly effective (Nath), active (Bartsch), binds to GR (Jordan), low affinity (Africander)
Levonorgestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Listed as "weak" (Jordan) and "active" (Ruan, Lello) agonist.
Etonogestrel (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Etonogestrel (API)