Citations for: Toxnet: Megestrol Acetate

Entry Type
Parent Entry
Physical & Chemical Properties Data Field
BP: About 217° C
ChemIDPlus: 214° C
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Has not been evaluated.
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Physical & Chemical Properties Data Field
Tablets should be stored in well-closed containers at <40 °C, recommended 15-30 °C. Oral suspension should be stored in tight containers <= 25 °C.
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Mean 34.2 h, range 13-104.9 h
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Mainly metabolized by CYP3A4, but also by CYP3A5. Hepatic.
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Major route of elimination is through urine, minor route through feces.
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
25-100 ng/mL from 50 mg oral dose
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
2-5 h from 50 mg oral dose
Megestrol Acetate (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
Tablets: Palliative treatment of advanced carcinoma of the breast or endometrium. Should not be used in lieu of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or other accepted procedures.
Oral suspension: anorexia, cachexia, or unexplained, significant weight loss in patients with AIDS.
Megestrol Acetate (API)