Citations for: Toxnet: Norethindrone.

Entry Type
Parent Entry
Physical & Chemical Properties Data Field
Zafar: 201-203 °C
IARC, Toxnet: 203-204 °C
Norethindrone (API)
Physical & Chemical Properties Data Field
Norethindrone (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
7-8 h (Stanczyk, Goodman & Gilman)
4.8 - 12.8 h (Toxnet)
Norethindrone (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
> 95%, 61% to albumin, 36% to SHBG
Norethindrone (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
4 L/kg
Norethindrone (API)
Pharmacology Data Field
0.4 L/h/kg
Norethindrone (API)
Physical & Chemical Properties Data Field
Stable in air, unstable when exposed to both air and light.
Norethindrone (API)
Toxicology Data Field
LD50, mouse oral: 6 g/kg
TDLo, human women oral: 42 mg/kg
Norethindrone (API)